Well today really tested my Mommy and me. But, I think in the end, we passed with flying colors.
The first thing big that happened in our day is that I went down for my nap around 10:30 as usual and at around 12 noon (a half hour earlier then I normally get up from my nap) my Mommy woke me up and told me that I had visitors. It was strange to see Mommy home at that time of the day....usually she has to be at work. She took me out to the living room and my birth Mom and my two half brothers were there. I guess they showed up around 11:30 when my Mommy was at work, and the Gardener, David, called my Mommy and told her to come home because my birth family was here. So, anyway.....I didn't remember them and my birth Mom wanted me to be with her and I was confused about who she was...and I was confused about why my Mommy wasn't taking the lead like usual. It made me upset and I cried a lot which seemed to upset my birth mom. They were nice to me though....and my Mommy took a lot of photos of my half brothers playing with me. They are 6 and 7 years old. The oldest is Arnold and the middle one is David. They were really very nice boys...and my birth mom was nice too. I was just a little confused and I wanted my Mommy because of all the excitement and I didn't understand why she wasn't coming to save me. And, I could tell that my Mommy was feeling a little badly as well. I don't think she was expecting the visit and is a bit worried that my birth family might just show up un-announced on a regular basis and upset my schedule. My Mommy can't come home from work all the time when the come by....so scheduled visits would be much better. And, I don't know if my Mommy realized until that very moment how much she had fallen in love with me. She was very good at making everyone feel at home and getting food and drinks for everyone and showing them how to play with all my cool stuff....but I could tell that underneath it all, she was not feeling very good and felt horrible that I wasn't comfortable and was crying for her. She felt doubly bad....bad that I was upset and she wanted to save me, and bad for my birthmom because she could see that it was hurting
her feelings.
Finally, after a few hours I was getting really crabby and my Mommy knew that I had been woken up early from my morning nap and I hadn't had my lunch and it was getting close to my afternoon nap...and I really needed to get going. So, she told my birth family that I needed to have lunch....and they stayed and watched me eat. Then, we played a little more but then my Mommy had to tell my birth family that I needed to take a nap....so we all said goodbye and I went down for my nap.
While I was asleep, the next intense thing in our day happened. My Mommy fired Kesia. I think that was also making her very upset during my birth families visit....she had been gearing up for days to fire Kesia today and an unexpected visit was not in her plans. When I woke up, it was over. She was a little shaky.....but it was over! And, Mommy's friends have been so good today...calling all day and evening to make sure we fee safe in the house tonight alone etc. We're feeling pretty ok....I don't think that anyone will do anything bad to us....and anyway, I'm not worried. After today, I know for sure that my Mommy loves me to the moon and back and would never let anything happen to me. I feel safe with her.
So, after getting me up from my nap, it was time for some serious fun! I went to my first baby group meeting today. It was at Inn
eke and Ella's house....where I went last weekend, so I already knew Ella. But there were lots of other kids there as well. And, lots of Mom's. We played in the grass and even went swimming in the pool. I loved going in the pool with my Mommy when she was holding on to me. Then, she tried to put me into this inner tube sort of thing and I really freaked. I wanted my Mommy! So....we floated again for a while and then tried again. I was tentative...but my Mommy stayed right next to me the whole time and then I felt ok about it. So, we had a really fun time at baby group playing with lots of other kids....and I ate a piece of popcorn for the first time! Some of the other babies seemed to get some chocolate cold substance....but my Mommy didn't let me have any. And, a few Mommy's suggested to her to get me a pacifier....I don't know what that is, but it sounds cool to me....my Mommy didn't take the suggestion though....sometimes she is a real stick in the mud! Ugh!!! She's lucky I still love her.
Well, after ALL that excitement....we came home to have a very normal dinner. I finished my tofu and vegetable casserole....which I LOVE and then had some butter dal....and then had a fun bath and teeth brushing session and didn't even make one sound of a fuss when my Mommy put me down tonight. I am pooped! What a day.....we were tested, but my Mommy and I came out on top!
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