Sunday, January 11, 2009

Swimming pool fun

Today was Sunday and quite a busy day at the Bowman household. We woke up in a good mood. Everyone went to sleep quite early last night and we all got a much needed full nights sleep last night. We started working on our house right away. Mommy is DETERMINED to get our shipment all unpacked and the house put together.

We worked hard on the living room and the bedroom today. I helped SO much. I kept taking all the things that Mommy put in the wrong place and moving them to the places where I think that they look so much better. And, I helped her to reorganize her closet....she had it done in such a weird variety at all. She had all sort of matching things together, like sweaters with sweaters and shoes with shoes. How boring! Don't worry....I set her straight!

I also wanted to show off and spice things up a bit while Mommy was stuck unpacking all day. So, I am practicing and practicing my walking. I can even pull myself up in the middle of the room with no help from anything, stand up and balance and walk all the way across the room by myself! I LOVE it. Mommy calls me Frankenstein, because when I walk I put my hands in front of me and make a funny noise. I can't believe she is making fun of me while I'm learning such an important skill. Don't worry....once I'm stable on my feet, I'm definitely going to get her back. Can you imagine the havoc I can create around the house.....that will teach her for making fun of my walk!

In the midst of the unpacking fun, we had a lunch date at the pool at the Ilboru lodge. My biological Mom is from the Ilboru we drove right by my old house and Mommy showed Uncle Topher where I would have lived if my biological mom hadn't gotten sick from AIDS. He looked a little shaken....but really, it would have been ok. Lots of kids grow up there. However, I am happy to be at my house with Twiga and my Mommy....we have a lot of fun times there.

We met Mommy's friends Linda, Gerda, Mary and Kristin. And Linda's baby Aiden was there as well as Mary's baby Morris. We all went swimming in the pool before we had lunch. It was super fun and we used my super fun floating device. Mommy ordered it on line and had Uncle Topher bring it over when he came....thanks Uncle Topher. And, I borrowed Aiden's sunglasses today. He doesn't like them....but I love them! Mommy is thinking of trying to order the glasses and have someone bring those over as well. I don't know....I really did like them, but once again, Mommy was making fun of me, and in a rather un-PC way. She kept comparing me to Stevie Wonder. Just cause I'm wearing black glasses and tend to thrash around a lot....does not make me Stevie Wonder thank you very much. She sure does laugh at her jokes though!

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