Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm practicing....

I'm going to be the best darn walker this world has ever seen. Just you wait. I'm pretty fabulous already, but by the time I get done practicing, I'm going to take this world by storm! I was trying to practice earlier but my silly pants kept getting in the way. I'm not quite big enough for most of my it's hard to keep them all on. My Mommy has looked for a baby belt, or suspenders, but she can't find any in East, my pants come off. I got frustrated by the pants. So, I walked right out of them!

Once I got rid of those burdensome pants, I was able to really practice the walking. Look at me go!!!!

Uncle Topher got very nervous when I fell. He didn't realize that I'm a brave boy. Sometimes I fall down, but I always get back up and keep going. Mommy taught me life, you just have to get up and keep going!

Mommy was so so so proud of me! It makes me so happy when she is proud.

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