Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Busy days....

Today was a day filled with many things to be done and not enough time to do them all. Mommy had to work and when she wasn't working we were running errands to try to get the house finished up. She had to buy hangers and shower curtain hangers and door mats, she had to go to the framers to get some paintings framed and to see if her Ethiopian painting which the movers put a hole through was salvageable, she had to go to the butcher to get chicken for Twiga and she had to try to put her curtains up in her room. So, while I was with her for much of the day and we were singing songs in the car and holding hands and walking every chance we got....there was not too much play time in our day. She assures me that this will soon change and the house will be done and then we will just play all day.

I may be cutting a tooth....I'm not sure but I certainly feel cranky and Mommy keeps attributing my crying and general whininess to a while spot she shes back in my mouth. If that is the problem, then I certainly hope it comes in quickly.....I really prefer to be a generally happy boy!

1 comment:

Bestemom said...

Sounds like a rough Aki day. And no Aki pictures. You need a better day tomorrow. And pictures.