Monday, January 12, 2009


Just want it recorded that on my 16 month birthday I weighed in at approximately 21.5 pounds and am approximately 30 inches long. This puts me in the 4th percentile for weight and the 8th percentile for height. I'm getting there! Just give me a few more months and I'll catch up!

Mommy took a photo of my height in inches. However, in order to weigh me she had to stand on the scale and weigh herself and then pick me up and weigh us both and then subtract her weight. Thus, if she took a photo of the scale and then told I told you my weight it would become immediately apparent what her weight is. She is VERY sensitive about this issue....and refused to let me reveal how much she weighs. Are all women this silly....or is it just my Mommy?

ps - Mommy's computer is not letting me add photos tonight. Sorry....we'll have to have double photos tomorrow night when I can ask her what the problem is. Right now Mommy is too tired to help me out.

1 comment:

Bestemom said...

YOu're getting so big, so fast. You'll catch up in no time and in the meantime you're exactly perfect just the way you are.