Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Cranky Day...

No....I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about my Mom. She would say she had good reason to be cranky. It's definitely not my fault. In fact, I think I may have been the bright spot in her day filled with Fundis (handy guys) who were not on time and when they arrived appeared to have left their brains at home, gardeners in need of money, guards who did not show up and a job which decided to become demanding. Even Uncle Topher was not helping the situation today...and it probably is not his fault, he is just not used to the rhythm of Arusha and the need for certainty and assertiveness. Poor Mom is still up at 11pm trying to put her kitchen back in order since the shipment has arrived and we have to be able to use the kitchen to cook in during the week. She looks tired and worn out.

Meanwhile, I have had a pretty good day. Uncle Topher knew a bit more what to look out for today and was able to ensure that I had plenty of fun activities for my day. Mommy is giving the girls who help during the day VERY specific directions for how to interact with me. So, my morning went pretty smoothly. Then, Mommy came home at lunch and we were on our way out to run more errands at lunch with Gaspar, our cook, when the fundi's came to install the screens in the windows in my room and the guest room. Apparently they were supposed to come early in the morning because Mommy looked not very happy at them and explained that we were on our way out and they would need to wait for us until 2:30. The problem with that is that my nap time is at 3pm....and they were in full install mode. Mommy tried to adapt and move me to a different room for my nap. What was she thinking???? I had NO intention of going to sleep with all the banging and racket in the house. Mommy really tried to get me to nap, but I refused and instead I screamed MY HEAD off for about 45 minutes. It really wasn't fun for anyone. Still....I certainly wasn't cranky today and as long as Mommy was around and playing with me, I was sweet as can be. I have to teach her after all....if she does everything exactly the way I want her to.....well, we'll get along just fine!

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