Wednesday, February 11, 2009

this and that

Today was a bit of this and a bit of that. Jenny is a bit under the weather and so Mommy went to work in the morning while Uncle Topher kept an eye on me. Then, in the afternoon, Mommy took much of it off and just went to check in at work when I took my nap and Uncle Topher was home in case I woke up. So, we visited Cradle of Love today. It was really fun to see my old friends, I really like going there. Unfortunately, I'm still not 100% and I had a bit of an accident in my pants on the way there. Mommy is getting worried, and has decided that no matter what, some doctor in this town is going to see me tomorrow and take some tests and give me some medicine. I have had the runs for nearly a week now and it is really making me uncomfortable. Mommy tried to get me in to see the Dr. this afternoon, but they said the next time they could see me is Friday. So, Mommy said that tomorrow we are going to the UN clinic where someone WILL see me.

While we were out at Cradle of Love, we spent some time with Violet....the little baby who has been sick. She has a cough, but is looking so much better. I practiced what Mommy taught me about being gentle and petted her head and her arm. She was sweet and nice, I liked her! I hope she keeps getting better. She is going to travel to Dar this weekend to get a test to check her HIV status this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for her. I heard Mommy talking with Devona about buying her soy formula in town, so I think Mommy is planning to go back to the orphanage tomorrow to deliver the formula for Violet. I sure hope it makes her feel a bit better.

After all that, Mommy made a great dinner of lentils, eggplant and squash tonight with raspberries and apples for desert. It was yummy....and then it was time for bed! Can't wait for what tomorrow will bring. Nighty night.

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