Friday, February 20, 2009

Lunch parties

Today we were invited to a lunch party at our friend Beatrice's house. Mommy was a little worried because my favorite bad influence, Sham, was going to be there. I think he is about the most fun man in the world.....he gets me all wound up and thinks its fun to do things like play hitting games with me. Mommy says that after a few hours with Sham it takes her a few weeks to get me back to normal. I don't know about that.....but I do know that I sure had fun with him.

There was yummy food there. Pumpkin soup (which I also had for lunch before we went to I had two different pumpkin soups today). And, I also got to have a few bites of pizza. I had never tried it before.....boy was it yummy.

Ella and I were the youngest members invited to the party. So, while the grown ups were boring and just sat and talked, Ella and I explored! We are WAY more cool than those silly, boring grown ups. I love to hang out with Ella and I keep trying to hug her. I'm not 100% sure how that goes, but I'm generally gentle with her and just want to be her friend. Oh, AND today was Ella's 13 month birthday. Happy Birthday to her!!

1 comment:

Bestemom said...

Ella looks like such a nice friend. I'm glad you two have fun together.