Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Have you ever seen a plane fly before??

Well, I saw them fly today! Mommy and I went to the Arusha airport to pick up her friend Tanya. There are some planes there that Mommy called very tiny (seating 2 people) but I thought that they were gigantic. AND, I got to sit out on the runway and watch them take off and land! It was soooooo cool. I loved it. I kept pointing and clapping. And, when the people got off the planes, I was their welcoming committee. I said hello and waved to EVERY SINGLE person coming off a plane. They all appreciated it....though Mommy was a little embarrassed. I didn't understand why, people really like to be greeted at an airport for heavens sake! And, I smiled and several (yeah Mommy...SEVERAL) people stopped and commented on what a great smile I have. OK....I've heard Mommy say many times that my smile is her most favorite in the whole world, but geeze louise, she needs to lighten up. I had so much fun!!

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