Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Antics

Well, today was another friday. My cold has generally cleared up....I still have a bit of a runny nose, but I don't think I'm contagious any longer. And, I feel fine as long as my Mom stays away from my drippy nose. group it was today. This is the last play group that I can get to for a while since my Mommy is leaving me next Thursday for 3 weeks! (I'm not even going to bother stating how irritated I am about that). So....I went to Natasha and Henry's house for playgroup today where I saw old friends, met new friends ate bananas and made mischief with Henry. (we really like the garden hose...because we both love water, but of course poor Henry has a cast on his little broken arm and must stay away from water, oh we were mischievous). But, Mommy took the best photos of me....don't I just look like an angel? hahaha!!!

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