Saturday, May 23, 2009

Party for Ester

My friend, Ester is going to turn 8 in June. Her uncle is visiting now from Belgium, and so her Mommy threw her a surprise party. It was lots of fun. My friend Aiden was there, and I always have fun when he's around. Also, Auntie Alex and Linda were there and I sure love to see them. I hope Ester enjoyed her surprise today! Thanks for having us over for your great party!

Another big event happened today. Mommy got me my very own potty seat. So, now I can sit like a big boy on the big boy potty! Wow....I really am growing up. I'm not sure if I'm ready to go potty IN the potty quite yet. But....I'm sure am talking about it and thinking about it a whole lot. And, I had a very fun time trying out my very own potty seat!

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