Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hanging on by a thread

Mommy just keeps saying she is "hanging on by a thread" all day today. Geeze, I don't know what it means exactly, but whatever it is, it sure seems to make her grumpy (and cry every once in a while). I think that between the meetings with the social worker (one on Friday that went rather badly where Lillian seemed to be upset with the process and Mommy was petrified and panicked that she was going to loose me. Silly Mommy....we're a team, I'm not going anywhere), and the appointments with the doctor for Clara Shei (I call her Shei Shei), Mommy is just really really frazzled. Clara Shei and I had a doctor appointment after my social worker appointment yesterday to discuss vaccinations for us. We both had a quick check up and the doctor said I'm doing really well and look very healthy. He also said he was impressed with my verbal skills and that I'm "dialoguing" very well....whatever that means.

Today we spent the morning as a family hanging out. We stopped by Linda, Kyle's and Aidens as Linda once again came to Mommy's rescue. She is letting us borrow a whole bunch of stuff for Clara Shei until Bestamom and Grandad arrive in July to bring us more stuff. And, we quickly went out to the orphanage to visit late this afternoon. Mommy has a friend who is thinking of adopting and Mommy wanted to introduce her to my friend, Maria who is really looking for a forever family to go to. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Maria....she is such a nice girl, she really deserves a good home!

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