Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lunch out and yoga practice

Today Mommy had some fun in store for us. She thought that we might need a bit of just us time without Clara Shei. So...we left Clara Shei at home with the nanny and went out to lunch just us. It was really fun and I really needed to know that I'm very special and my family still loves me just as much as they did a week ago.

Then, later on Mommy and I did yoga together....well our version of yoga anyhow.


Bestemom said...

Lunch out and yoga--what a fun time for the best, biggest, most wonderful little boy in all of Africa. I hope you got something really yummy to eat. Your yoga positions are really amazing.

Unknown said...

Hello from the states! I volunteered at CoL in December of 2007 for about 4 weeks. Long story short, i fell in love with Lawrence (now Akira). He was the most precious little baby and leaving him behind was one of the hardest things for me to do. After four weeks, he had won me over. But, i was only 21 at the time, a nursing student, and totally not able to take on a child. I am soooo glad that he is with you. It is evident from 'his' blog and the pictures, that he is recieving lots and lots of love! I have a few pics of him from when he was a few months old. I'd love to send them to you if you would like them. I don't know how old he was when you met him, but when i arrived at the orphanage, he had a horrible diaper rash that was blistering and bloody, and it extended about half way down his thighs. My friend and I, both nursing students, thought it was the worst 'diaper' rash we had ever seen. No text book from our studies had even come close to displaying something so awful. He had been lying in the playpen diaperless for a good week or so. He was peeing on himself and not staying very clean. He became my little project for that month when i was there. We talked with Davonna and she allowed us to take him to the clinic a mile or so away. The doctor just clicked his tongue, moaned, and immediately wrote a prescription for antibiotics. I carried that little boy around with me for days, and each time he messed his pants i'd immediately change him, cleanse him in water and reapply the special ointment. Within a week he was almost all healed up. He began to smile and be more playful (compared to when we arrived and he just layed in his crib crying - no one wanting to hold the diaperless baby with the awful infection). I would take him to the laundry room when the older children were napping, and he would lay on the pile of clean clothes while i helped fold and he just looked around and cooed and babbled. He had such a sweet temperment and a beautiful smile. So many great memories with that little boy. Once again, i am sooooo glad that he is in a loving and safe home. You are an inspiration to many - and i know it gets exhausting, but you are offering these children a life that very few in their situation could even imagine. Let me know if you want those photos and if so, an email address i can send them too. My email is
-Hannah Martin

bradi said...

Yoga does a body and spirit good! So happy to see you two getting a special day together! Namaste.