Wednesday, May 6, 2009


oh dear, I didn't get to see very much of Mommy today. You could tell that she felt sad though and we spent some extra time together tonight before I head to bed.

One weird thing that happened today is that Mommy let Hope go. Hope is one of the girls who help to clean, cook and take care of me. Jenny is still staying on, but Mommy explained to Hope that with my new sister, Clara Shei, home and so small and sick, we need to have a proper baby nanny working at the house and she can't justify having three people working in the house. And, since Hope leaves every day at 2pm, she is the logical choice. Mommy didn't tell her that she is also not the greatest at helping around the house and breaks a lot of things and then hides them.

So, end of story, today was Hope's last day working at our house and tomorrow a new nanny is going to start. Her name is Jane. I hope Mommy found us a good one! And, I sure hope I get to see more of Mommy tomorrow!

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