Friday, December 31, 2010

The last day of the year

Mommy is just so excited that this is the last day of 2010.  Quite frankly, I had a great year and since she spent the large majority of every minute of this past year with little old me....I can't imagine how she is not THRILLED with this year.  Somehow though...she thinks it has been a really hard past two years (coincidentally...the two years of ME) and is really excited to move on! 

Well, I figured that if she was so unhappy with this year, I might as well be sure it went out with a bang.  I truly truly outdid myself today with the most naughty behavior ever. Mommy almost took me to my Aunt's house because there was a party planned at Meg's house and my Mommy was worried I would ruin the new year's eve for everyone.  She even put me in the car to go!  I was sooo upset though.  I might enjoy giving her a run for her money, but I didn't want to be without my mommy for the new year!  She relented and let me stay. 

What a night!  We ate so much fun food.  And, I stole a LOT of cookies and cupcakes.  And, we had a crazy dance party. 

The best part is that I got to drink an entire vodka and pomegranate without anyone noticing.  Afterwards I felt really funny and had a hard time staying upright....I also became very very very energentic an my Mommy was really worried and wondering what was wrong with me.  She had NO IDEA!  After she finally put me to sleep for the night, the missing drink was discovered and mommy came up to check on me and be sure I was still breathing.  What a new years eve!!!  By the time mommy put me down to sleep, I was so out of control that she had to lie in bed with me while I screamed and cried and yelled....and then, I sobbed, and then I breathed deeply twice.....and then I snored.'s finally over!

Luckily Mommy DID wake me up right at midnight to come and watch the fireworks with everyone at midnight.  They were so of the space needle.  Great job Seattle and WELCOME 2011.  It's going to be a great year!

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