Monday, February 8, 2010

Mama Lilian

Today Mama Lilian came for lunch.  I haven't seen her in a while.  Last time I saw her I was just learning a few words and not really talking like I am now.  So, I didn't really have a name for her. Today, Mommy kept calling her Mama Lilian.  I have been reading a book a lot lately called, 'Crazy Chameleon'.  So....I got a bit confused and called her chameleon all afternoon long.  It's ok...she thought it was funny and didn't seem to mind. 

It was a nice visit.  Mommy made us lunch and we sat and ate all together. Then, we played outside in the yard for a bit until Mama Lilian was too tired.  After that, we went inside and I showed her some of my favorite things like my Simba hat and my masai blanket.  After a while she left, but it was fun to have her here.  Mommy gave her some photos of she and I together from her last visit with me as well as some photos of Arnold and David.  She hasn't seen them in a very long time (like maybe a year) so she was happy to have the photos.  She doesn't really have a place to live and stays with a lot of different people and she doesn't have a regular phone number, so its hard to keep track of her, I think. That's why she hasn't seen Arnold or David.  When we want to see her, Mommy often has to go out into the town in search of her....asking my Aunt or my cousins where she might be living now.  Usually, someone knows someone who knows someone, and eventually we can find someone who can take us to her.'s not so easy and nearly impossible for Arnold and David since they live at an orphanage. 

While Mama Lilian was here today, Mommy sat with her and asked her a LOT of questions to try to get a proper family tree written down for me and Arnold and David.  On one of her last visits, Mommy did a video interview with Mama Lilian and asked her a lot of the same questions....but the sound quality is low on the video and the answers arent' always clear.  And, names and places are hard to spell we did it on paper today.  We found out lots about the village where my family is from, and more specifics of my clan (my tribe is Masai but there are different types of masai....for no better way to explain it).  I have a TON of cousins.  It was all such interesting information to have.  Also, it was interesting to learn that my grandmothers name was Rose Mollel (and she named one of my aunts, Esther) and Shei Shei's mothers name was Esther Mollel......Mommy has to find out more to determine that connection. 

Thanks for coming Chameleon....see you next time!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Mama Lilian is so pretty! My mommy says you get your good looks from her. :) Mommy and I have a favorite baby at Nkoaranga and his last name is Mollel, too! He is also Masai. I hope you are feeling better. We will see you soon!