Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One handed walking maniac!

Well, I'm finally doing it. It's been a lot of work....Mommy's been trying to get me to walk holding on to just one hand for a while now. I've just been plopping down as soon as she loosens the grip of one of her hands.'s been a no-go.

The other morning, I heard Bestamom giving Mommy a hard time of the phone for not pushing me harder to walk holding just one hand. Well, I thought, "no one should be giving my Mommy a hard time!", and I decided to show my Bestamom a thing or two. So, today, I was out in the garden with Mommy and we were practicing our walking and I just decided to let go of one of her hands. And, that was it! I am now a one handed walker!

Mommy was pretty excited about it, I got lots of swings in the air, and cheers and lots of upside down kisses, which I LOVE! Yay for the one handed walker!!!!

1 comment:

Bestemom said...

YAAAYYYY!!!! for Aki. I knew you could do it! Any minute now you'll be walking all by yourself. And that will be a whole new experience for Mommy, trying to keep up with you. XOXOXO