Friday, January 16, 2009

Just in case you thought it was fluke...

....I'm here to tell you, I'm a walker. I practice every chance I can get. And, after I've reached my goal, I ALWAYS stop to clap and cheer for myself and I insist that all others in the room do so as well. For heavens's a big milestone. I had better celebrate it. How often do these sort of big achievements come along? I mean maybe a few times in a life, this is like graduating from college or getting married or having a baby....its a moment. So, I say, let's celebrate it!

Today was tough to practice, because my Mommy had a really busy day and she decided to drag me along for most of it. There were errands (none of which panned out....typical Arusha, paintings weren't finished being framed at the framers, gas station was out of gas, furniture store was randomly closed at 3pm on a Friday know, the usual), and some wedding business. This wedding stuff kept my Mom pretty occupied. She kept saying how excited she was to blow dry her hair and put on a dress and some high heels. I don't know....she looked a bit wobbly to me. I think I might honestly be able to walk better than my Mom when she gets those high heels on. Geesh....I don't know if I even want to celebrate weddings.....they look strange. I think I'll stick to celebrating my walking achievements....a much better use of energy!

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